A health condition is any condition that adversely affects our well-being. This covers the mental, emotion, physical and spiritual aspects of life. Each of these can affect the other in either a positive or negative way. For example, if food choices (mental thinking) are poor then digestion, absorption and elimination will be affected that will eventually manifest in various conditions and various symptoms.
Generally speaking, most people visit the natural edge with a recognizable condition. For example, asthma, allergies, digestive disorders, hay fever or sinus, IBS, headaches/migraines, osteoarthritis, PMS, rheumatoid arthritis, weight loss and many others.
People also visit seeking help with symptoms that cannot be medically diagnosed. Even in these cases natural medicine more often than not provides improvement and many times resolution to these disease states.
Having the correct eating program is the first and most fundamental step in the healing process for any condition or symptom known or unknown to maintain optimal health. Correcting nutrition is foundation to healing. If we continue to consume foods that contribute or cause the situation, then the potential to overcome the problem is impossible or at the least impaired.
Food Fit will assess your sensitivity to over 600 common foods and household products. Food intolerance will be considered, and the use of therapeutic foods discussed, as well as the prescription of natural medicines to assist the healing process where indicated.
You can start improving your health today by sitting down to eat, chewing your food well and not over- eating. Also do not drink with meals unless medications or supplements need to be taken with meals.